Sunday, 6 April 2014

The End of an Era.

I cannot promise this one will be funny, or more of a vent. I just feel I want to expunge what I am writing, now at roughly 1 am in the morning.

            So for those of you who don't know. I have been a wrestling fan since about the age of 6 or 7. The first match I remember watching was the Harts vs Shawn Michaels and his Knights back at Survivor Series 1993.  Wrestling was always something that stuck for me.  I don't know if it was because I tried really hard to get into a sport, and when I was 9 wrestling was enough of a sport for me.

          I actually even thought it was all legit until probably grade 7 - 8. Judge if you will. That's okay. My blog here is a forum for my comments, and whatever feed back you wish to give.   So I loved it, there were even dark times when I wasn't allowed to watch it, sneaking under the cover of night, or getting feels on what happened the night before from my friends.

      Wrestling actually was something I had gone and used as a bridge to become friends with a lot of people. I bet you are curious why I am even writing this. This isn't about video games, or anything fun. I'll try to make it fun.  Maybe. I do have some new games to talk about.  

    Secretly, I am pretty smart. I am able to pick up on things, and able to know how things are going to go. Wrestling for a while now has been the same way, and sitting on couches people ask me what is going to happen and I have a pretty good ratio for guessing.  Sometimes I am wrong.  Not normally.

I have 2 Pay-per-views I try hard to watch. Royal Rumble, and Wrestlemania. This year. They sucked. They sucked hard. It wasn't that someone I didn't want to win won, or a particular match didn't go the way I wanted. The actually just sucked. It's all very flash in the pan, and I like stories, with a purpose. Not only have the stories sucked, but the matches haven't been all that good either. 3/5 people I watched wrestling tonight, fell asleep, or almost did. I was one of them.  

So I think tonight, I am hanging up my proverbial wrestling boots. I know it may not matter in the grand scheme of things. It just isn't something I enjoy, and I don't really have any dogs in the race.  To the kid inside me who liked to watch it and follow it. It's been fun. Perhaps we have both just grown out of it. To anyone who reads and does like wrestling. Enjoy it, I hope it can give you the same enjoyment, and fall back it has given me. Thanks for Reading. I'll post something funny this week.